Thursday, February 11, 2021

NBI S.p.A. was awarded the contract of 3.7 million euros (NBI with a 51% stake) for the execution of management, engineering and procurement services relating to the construction of the electrical, mechanical and special systems of the New Hospital of the South-East Bari of Monopoli and Fasano. The Client is NOSEB S.c.r.l. led by Astaldi S.p.A.

The construction of the new health center of excellence in the Puglia region, which started about a year ago, will make 299 beds and 9 operating theaters available on a total surface area of ​​178,000 square meters.

The management services entrusted to NBI include, among other things, the planning, programming, coordination and supervision of the installation, commissioning and testing of the activities entrusted by the client to third-party subcontractors in relation to MEP activities.

Among the engineering services there are the critical review of the executive engineering and the preparation of the construction engineering, the preparation of the documents necessary for the approval of the construction project by the contracting station, the obtaining of the certificates of viability and of each practice authorization, the drafting of the As Built documents and the use and maintenance manual.

Finally, NBI will take care of procurement assistance including analysis of the technical requirements of the supplies necessary for the execution of the works and the carrying out of market research.