Thursday, December 24, 2020

Subcontracted by Astaldi S.p.A., the new order from the Plants and Constructions Department of NBI S.p.A. it takes place along the Fabriano - Matelica Nord section of the Pedemontana delle Marche.

NBI is working on the construction of all the technological systems of the Serre tunnel and the three Cerreto d’Esi - S. Michele, S.S. 76 and Matelica Nord. In detail, the works are the executive design, planning, definition and purchase of supplies, support for the technical management of the construction site, assistance with ongoing and final testing, final documentation ("As-Built ").

The technological systems that will be created by NBI are lighting systems for tunnels and junctions, fire-fighting systems, internal systems for cabins, emergency generators, special safety systems, ventilation systems, cable ducts and raceways, prefabricated electrical substations.

The services entrusted to NBI also include the drafting of "As-Built" projects, the commissioning of the systems, testing and anything else necessary for the proper functioning of the systems themselves.