Thursday, January 11, 2018

NBI and Sartori Tecnologie Industriali proceed with their project of providing coverage to the coal storage parks at Cairo Montenotte, Province of Savona, Italy.

The project involves the building of twin warehouses covering an area of approximately 40,000 square metres and where NBI will construct the buildings, provide the mechanical and electrical systems for coal storage and handling as well as fire-fighting and dust suppression systems.

The most recent NBI operation at this site was the demolition of the old cable car line - on 20 December 2017 - to clear the way for the coal storage park coverage work. The suspended cable car line was built as part of the original plant during the years 1910 to 1912 and consisted of series of towers 400 metres long and 15 metres high.

At 2:34 p.m., after sounding the alarm, all pylons crushed to the ground, exactly where the first warehouse is to be built. The demolition was performed using twenty micro explosive charges per pylon. Detonation was preceded by three short horn blasts and succeeded by an all-clear long horn blast. The demolition operation was executed by a specialised company we had commissioned.